CFTH 2021 Conference via Zoom

for our first Caring for the Heart Conference on Zoom
JANUARY 21-23, 2021
The CFTH Conference on Zoom Webinar will be held Thursday evening, January 21, 2021, and Friday evening, January 22, 2021, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm Mountain Time.

On Saturday morning, January 23, 2021, from 8:00 to 10:00 am Mountain Time there will be an opportunity to attend Caring for the Heart workshops.

To see the Conference schedule click here.

There is no charge for this Conference, but REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY to receive a link to join the Webinar. Click here to register.

The sessions on Thursday and Friday evenings will be on Zoom Webinar (viewing, listening only). 

People can register for the webinar by going to our website and clicking the registration “click here” button.

The Saturday workshops will be on Zoom Meeting and will be held in break-out rooms for each workshop during session 1 and session 2.

People will need to contact our office to give me the names of the workshop sessions they wish to attend (one workshop during session 1 and one workshop during session 2). This information can also be communicated sending a registration form to the Colorado office. The registration form can be downloaded by clicking here.

Even though there is no charge, the Colorado office has asked that if people want to leave a donation, they are asked to send their gift to Reclaiming The Heart Ministry using one of the following options:

1. Using Paypal by clicking the Donate button below,
2. E-transferring the gift to, or
3. By sending a cheque to Reclaiming The Heart Ministry located at 4215-83 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T6K 1C8, Canada.

Partner with RM

Restoration Ministries: Caring For The Heart is a faith-based ministry and a registered charity supported solely through donations of those who have a desire to see others experience Christ’s healing in their hearts.

Your partnership with Restoration Ministries through one-time gifts or monthly giving supports our operating costs and initiatives and helps us to budget effectively.